NOLA Tour – Women On Mission
This past Thursday and Friday the Women on Missions (WOM) group of FBC made a quick visit to the Cresecent City to scout several mission opportunities. WOM is involved in several missions projects throughout the year and is always looking for new opportunities where they can contribute to Great Commission work.
Their first stop was to the Global Maritime Ministry on Tchoupitoulas Street. GMM does work with seaman who port in New Orleans. For over 53 years their ministry has reached people from all over the world by accepting weary seaman who simply need a break from the ship to make phone calls, skype, or receive packages.
The WOM left there and toured the newly installed Museum of the Bible and Archaeology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS). Dr. Matt Solomon, curator and adjunct professor in Biblical studies, guided the ladies on an in-depth survey of artifacts and the seminary’s collection of ancient texts and antique bibles. Following the exhibit, the ladies were treated to a tour of the campus by Wanda Gregg, Director of Donor Relations. The final stop of the day was the iconic Leavell Chapel in the heart of the campus.
On Friday, the ladies met with Pastor Matthew Delaughter of Immanuel Community Church to hear about his new church in one of the oldest communities in New Orleans called Treme. Pastor Matthew and his family explained the joys and trials of doing ministry in the heart of New Orleans. FBC has partnered with the good work of Immanuel Community Church for over a year now.
All three of these ministries are doing wonderful work in one of the most diverse cities in the world. GMM literally is able to reach the ends of the earth simply by sharing the gospel and sending it back on ships. NOBTS celebrates 100 years in 2018 of training men and women to serve local churches all throughout Louisiana and Mississippi. Finally, Immanuel Community Church is reaching an area far from God by loving people and showing the love of Christ through church ministry, sports camps, and community outreach events.
If you are interested in the work of WOM, please contact the church office.